St. Rose of Lima/St. Patrick Mission

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

January 23, 2024




Meeting called to order by Trudi Jensen 7:05 p.m.




Bishop issued a Pastoral Letter regarding certain policies in the celebration of Sacraments, particularly the Eucharist. Must be observed by Ash Wednesday February 1, 2024:

  1. Confirmation/Baptism-All parishes to follow two-year process.  If two sponsors/godparents are requested, one must be in good standing in the Parish and complete the appropriate form.  The second individual, if not part of the parish, must be a part of a Christian faith, not part of a different faith.   
  2. Communion-Priest or Clergy (Deacons) are only ones that can provide Communion in the absence of a Priest.
  3. Lay Preaching-Homily’s reserved for Priests only.  If a speaker is present, the homily will be given, and the speaker presentation will be presented after communion.
  4. Manner of Reception of Holy Communion- Hand or tongue is acceptable. Questions about kneeling to take communion has come up.  In the past kneeling was considered a sign acknowledging reverence; however, since many churches do not have kneelers any longer, it was determined that standing shows the same reverence and is acceptable.
  5. Kneeling During Mass-Clarification has been given regarding kneeling:  Kneel after “Holy, Holy” until “Through Him with Him”.  Stand for “Our Father until “Lamb of God”, then kneel.
  6. The Rubrics and Proper Prayers When Celebrating Mass and the Sacraments-This was not discussed as pertains to the Clergy. 
  7. Mass Offering and Suggested Contributions-
    1. Offerings-$10.00;
    2. From Will-$20.00;
    3. Baptism-$100.00;
    4. Weddings/Quinceanera-$500.00 active member of Parish, $1,000 non-members of Parish;
    5. Funerals-$300 active members of Parish, $500 for non -members.
  8. Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Training in time for Lent (February 10 & 17, 2024) at 10:00 a.m.
  9. Revisit the Security Camera Project.
  10. Annual Fish Fry Fund Raising



The Kick-off mass for the deanery wide celebration of the Eucharistic Revival was scheduled on January 27 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joseph has been cancelled. No new date has been chosen at this point.



Maintenance Report:

  • CCD Building-All repairs have been completed, and we have received reimbursement from the Diocese.
  • Stove/oven in hall has been fixed. Discussion about removing from project list and request for new stove request be withdrawn from project list.
  • Taller toilets have been requested for St. Rose-Discussed cost, and Sid will proceed checking prices for Finance Committee.
  • Sewer project at St. Rose has been fixed and toilets are working fine.

General discussion about process for projects.  All projects, except emergencies, should be submitted to Council to decide whether to forward to Finance Committee.

Web Page Status:

Weekly bulletins and articles continue to be posted on Facebook and website.  Calendar is on the website and updated with mass times and funerals. Council and Finance Committee are on website.

Faith Formation:

Have 17 confirmation candidates, 12 should make their sacrament on April 27, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. mass. Two first communion candidates are not ready to move forward.


Meeting on Monday, January 22 to finalize budget and submit to Diocese.


  • Fish Fry is scheduled for March 22, 2024-11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

First planning meeting will be held on January 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the Hall.  Sign-up sheets are in the vestibule of the church.

  • At the March Council meeting a calendar will be populated with the 2024 fundraising events.
  • It was suggested that fund raising events be communicated to Amy at Phillips, for addition to her master calendar of events so she can help advertise. 


ICF will have their corn beef & cabbage dinner on March 9 starting a 6:00 p.m.

New Business:

  • Joe proposed the purchase for two Automatic defibrillators for St. Rose, one in the church and one in the Hall, which approved. Question came up about one for St. Patrick, Joe will research this option. 
  • Joe also proposed a candle offering shrine (push button candles) be placed in the back area of the church, which the council agreed this is a good idea. Funds would be provided for this by a donation.

Good of the Order

Closing Prayer

Next Meeting: February 2, 2024 @ 7 p.m./Meeting Adjourned

